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DIY: Bathroom and Shower Cleaner

October 23, 2012

Do you know what I hate? Well I hate cleaning. But what I hate even more, is inefficient cleaning. So when my bathroom cleaner that I bought for $5 wasn’t doing the job. I went to Pinterest. And what did I find? The perfect, budget friendly cleaning solution to get rid of soap scum, dirty shower doors, and messy bathroom counters.

This recipe is very easy and will last you a long time. All you need is a bit of Dawn and White Vinegar.

A few Pro Tips:

  • You don’t need to microwave the mixture each time you need it.
  • When I say gentle shake, I really mean turn upside down and right side up a few time to combine the mixture. If you shake it like a shake-weight you’ll end up with a spray bottle full of foam.
  • If you hate the smell of vinegar, you might want to invest in some really strong essential oils from your local co-op or grocery store. If you really can’t handle the smell at all, this mixtures probably isn’t for you.
  • All you need to do is get your surface a little wet, spray mixture, and scrub away. It will do the hard work!
