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DIY // How To Make a Nautical Rope Vase

November 17, 2014

Sometimes I see something at Target and I’m like…OMG they nailed it. And sometimes I think that’s awesome but what would I do with it? This summer I saw a Nate Berkus Rope Vase and so I decided to re-create it.


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Serena and Lily Living Room For Less

July 19, 2014

During the past two months, I’ve received over 20 home catalogs as we look for furniture to furnish a full second level (we’re currently in a one-bedroom apartment). And as I look through these different catalogs, I can’t help but think, “Why is this stuff so expensive?”

But I am a conscious consumer so I’ve been bookmarking and keeping track of the general themes I like. Like my looks for less, I am starting a new series Home for Less — where I look at rooms I love from these catalogs and make them up without spending a ton! Here is my first one.


The base total for this rooms is $9,413 and this doesn’t include all accent decor. With shopping around a bit, I was able to find complementary options that were half the price.

Total: $2,216

Total Saved: $7,197

What about you?

Do you like to shop around for the best price or just buy full price?