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What to Wear: MN Bloggers Conference

September 19, 2012

Figuring out what to wear to a conference can be quite difficult. Some people want to be comfortable so they can take in all the information, while others want to “dress to impress.” I say, you can do both!


Ladies Conference Looks - Fall 2012



Men's Conference Looks


Tips for the MN Bloggers Conference:

  • Bring a note taking device: A notebook, tablet, or computer will work but my personal preference is a notebook. By writing my notes I am remembering what is being said twice, by hearing and writing it!
  • Bring your business cards: I can’t stress this enough. You will meet a lot of people and you will want to make sure they remember you! Bring your cards or other “remembrance” device!
  • Enjoy the conference: The reason you are reading this blog today is because of that conference. Take in what the people are saying and enjoy the day!

What do you think is appropriate for conference-wear?