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gift guide

2013 Gift Guides: Home Decorator

November 25, 2013

Being in love with your home is a great thing! For the home decorator on your list, consider buying a comforting throw, unique word art specific to your city/town, or a fun artful piece that has both form and function, like the mirror or nespresso maker! Happy shopping!


  1. Enchanted Mirror
  2. London Poster Art
  3. Accent Side Table
  4. Softest Throws
  5. Fox Ornament
  6. Nespresso Pure Orange
  7. Marquee Word Love
  8. Industrial Task Desk
  9. Armless Accent Chair

Not into home decor? Try one of the other gift guides:

2013 Gift Guides: Gadget Nerd Ideas

November 19, 2013

I love technology…and I think these are such fun and cool gift ideas for the people in your life that don’t really “need” anything. I really love all of these products and think they are top notch. One is even on my wish list! 😉

Start planning your shopping lists…Black Friday is coming soon!


1. Nest Thermostat

2. Jawbone Jambox

3. Nike Fuelband

4. iPhone Case

5. Drone

6. Camera Harness

7. Camera

When do you usually do your holiday shopping? 

DIY // lavender sugar body scrub recipe

September 20, 2011

The smell of lavender can make me feel luxurious and feminine! I spent a good deal of my weekends prior to last Christmas working on a good recipe of this delicious smelling body scrub. I found that this was a great gift as well as, a welcome in the early cold morning in Minnesota.

This Christmas try giving your own DIY gifts. I will make sure you have an ample choices with coming posts from Ms Giggles!

DIY Lavender Sugar Body Scrub


lavender sugar body scrub | ms giggles


With this scrub you can use any oil. I would recommend an organic canola oil or if you can, grapeseed oil. Olive oil would be okay but it does have a very strong scent and you want to stay away from that because you want the scrub to smell of lavender, not olive oil!  Stay tuned for more beauty recipes and diy!

Don’t forget to ‘Pin’ me!

Update: I used Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap – Peppermint for the soap.