Holiday gift guide: Printable budget list

November 10, 2011

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The Holiday’s are a very expensive time. When you add up gifts, wrapping and gift bags, cards, food, decoration, secret santa, and many other things! The average person spends $816.00 on holiday expenses. Isn’t that crazy? This year, do it right with a budget!

Learn how to put together a budget for this holiday season from LearnVest. This will be your resource! Then download this awesome printable budget list to capture all the gifts you will be buying this year.

This is the start to the holiday season! Are you ready? I know that I am not. This year, though, I am going to be planning ahead, getting the right gifts for the right price. Over the next weeks, start thinking who you are going to be buying for and who you’ll make gifts for. And I will do you a favor. I will provide gift guides for everyone you are thinking of buying for. Also, I will provide DIY gifts that you can give to co-workers, neighbors, and service providers. I hope your ready for an awesome holiday season. I am.

Click the image below to download the printable budget holiday list.

Do you usually spend more than you think you will during the holidays?

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