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Every Parent Needs This App

April 21, 2017

You know those times when you find an app or resource of any kind that blows your mind and you want to tell everyone to download/use it? Well, I feel that way about Tinybeans. I also feel that about cookies. But that’s a different story.

What is Tinybeans? 

I remember when I was pregnant, I decided to make a concerted effort to not be uber annoying and post photos constantly of Grace on Facebook (alas I still do that a lot). I wanted somewhere that I could be obnoxious about posting a million photos for those who want to see her a lot (our close family).

Originally, I wanted to just use the shared folders built into the iPhone. But B and various other family members don’t have iPhones and wouldn’t be able to contribute or see them.

Tinybeans was mentioned at a new-mom group I had attended. It’s an app where you can post photos and videos that are accessed invite-only! You then invite whomever you want to be able to view the photos and video via email or they can download the app and look at all the photos at once.

5 reasons I freaking love this app

  1. Easy to use. I get reminded every day to take a photo. And because of that, Grace has had her photo taken every single day of her life. Coming up on 12 months old, I’m so happy this happened. Whether or not that is something she’ll thank me for one day, has yet to be determined.
  2. Stay in touch. Breon’s mom lives in Michigan and my Grandma lives in Florida half the year. They don’t get to see Gracie all that often. But with this app, Grace appears every day in Grandma Linda’s and GG’s email.
  3. Go back in time. I love love love getting a blast from the past and seeing baby Grace from when she was born and how she has grown. It’s crazy to me that after only 11 months how different she is now. Her personality has been forming but to see how small she was, blows my mind!
  4. Mark milestones. I have to admit as time has gone by, I’ve forgotten to mark milestones. But this app allows you to add those in when they happen! I have instant gratification if I am trying to remember when she did something new.
  5. Comments. I love how my family comments and we have our own little commentary about the things she’s doing and how funny her faces are. They are something I look forward to seeing every morning!

It’s a free app so if you’re a new mom or even a seasoned pro, this app could make documenting your child’s life all that more fun! I love it.

Letter To My 3-Month Old

September 14, 2016


Dear Sweet Baby Grace,

I can’t believe you’ve been on this earth for over 3 months! And in that short amount of time you’ve gone from being super small and sleepy to energetic and alert (trust me, you don’t even want to take naps – that’s how alert you are). My favorite quote about this time with you is one I learned first in french:

“Je t’aime plus qu’hier moin que demain.”- Rosemonde Gérard

(I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.)


I’ll be honest with you, sweetie, the first weeks were SO hard. It’s not that you were difficult (you were so  cuddly) but being thrust into a completely new life can be hard on new mamas. I don’t know if you know this about your dear mom but she doesn’t do so well with change. And oh the baby blues, don’t get me started on that.

And even though you slept most of the time, we struggled with breastfeeding. At the hospital we couldn’t get you to latch properly and because of that you didn’t eat much and I left badly bruised. We visited with two lactation specialists and I struggled mentally with what they wanted me to do. I wanted to breastfeed you but it was going to be a lot of work on my part non-stop, all day. I was looking for something that would work for us that didn’t involve me only resting for 20 minutes before restarting the process.

gracie-week1Alas, a dear friend (and your Grandma Chris) told me if I needed permission to use formula, that I had it. And so you became a formula baby. You love the stuff so it worked out well. We struggled through gas and fussiness but after my first AMMA new mom group, I realized we were NOT the only ones. Your little digestive tract was figuring itself out.


I’ll never forget the days of you eating and then falling asleep on me while I got to watch 2 episodes of LOST. I will miss skin-to-skin time snuggles, tummy time which turned into sleep, walks around the lake with Grandma and your Uncle Tony while playing Pokemon Go, and your long lost love for the mamaroo (which you decided to hate at 2 months).


You are getting better at being set down to entertain yourself every day but I stay close so I can give you new tools to play with and new interactions with your senses. Yesterday we smelled basil, you didn’t get it. It’s okay, you’re new.


Being a new mom can be crazy hard. New mamas worry, love, get sad, have loads of joy, and fear (oh the fears). I hope that google search histories will never be made public… becuase the world and probably you would think I’m crazy.  But what I think is REALLY crazy is that one day (if you so choose and are able) will have one of your own and I will watch you go through this and there might not even be a google. OR a world. #zombieapocolypse

But if there is a world (and I’m guessing there will be…) then I hope you know that I love you with all my heart and you are the best thing that ever happened to your dad and I. We are so excited for the next phases of your babyhood and life. Next up, 4 month sleep regression.

I love you, sweet Gracie.



12 Going Home Outfits For The New Infant In Your Life

April 26, 2016

As I begin packing our hospital bag, I am struck with a decision. What will she wear home? Wow. It’s really not that important (to me) but there are so many cute options, how am I to choose? If you, like me, are having issues or looking for inspiration, here are 12 adorable options for the lady, gent, or surprise bebe.

P.s. A lot of these are available in multiple sizes, so they don’t have to be strictly going home outfits. YAY!

embroidered romper • spring floral hoodie and shorties • 3-piece jersey boy set

sailor one-pieceyellow striped onesiegrey ‘welcome home’ one-piece

unicorn onesie and pantmulti-color shortspink one-piece

baby boy square sethot pink onesie • pants and hat set

What did/ are you planning for your baby to wear home?

Bonus points for pics!

Week 21 – 23 // Pregnancy Update

February 10, 2016

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to make it back here weekly and as much as I would like to blame the excuse “I’m just too darn busy…” I can’t. I have time, it’s just that these days I am really really lazy. I hope you understand. And I didn’t take a picture. I will work on that for the next update.

  • Length: 11 inches
  • Weight: 1 pound
  • Fruit Size: Romaine Lettuce
  • Geek Size: Barbie Doll
  • Bebe may start hiccuping, causing jerking motions.
  • Fingers and toes are full formed – with fingerprints!
  • Pain in mom’s back and hips may increase (YUP).
enjoying a chocolate croissant and latte at rustica bakery; sen napping; adorable baby books; my new office building (moving in April)

Week 21 – 23

Feeling: I’m feeling great. A little tired here and there but generally still feeling good.

Health: I worked out last weekend and it felt good. It’s easy to push it aside with everything else going on, so I know I need to make it more of a priority. Had an OB appointment on Monday where my blood pressure was up… wasn’t happy about that. I have been checking it every morning and night this week and it’s been pretty good. Hoping that it’s nothing.

Maternity Clothes: Ugh. My coat doesn’t fit anymore but I REALLY don’t want to get another. A co-worker suggested checking out Burlington Coat Factory, so I might try that. I’m going to stop in at H&M tonight and see if they have any thing cute and cheap-ish for maternity.

Pinning: All the baby nursery things I can find. We are getting some great ideas from Pinterest. Isn’t this adorable?

Sleep: Excellent. Puppy woke up with a stomach ache last night but other than that generally good. Sleeping with an added pillow between legs for added support. I’m tempted to get one of those body pillow things. Just trying to save up right now.

Symptoms: Everything is stretching (round ligament pain) so it can be painful at times no matter what I do.

Movement: Felt movement exactly at week 21 while watching a Doctor Who episode. 🙂 Very exciting. She has been moving a bit but dad (B) still hasn’t felt her. So hopefully she’ll really get going once she gets bigger so he can feel her. AWW…she just kicked as I was typing this. Cutie.

Best of the Week:

  • Week 21: Feeling her move
  • Week 22: Getting paint samples to start testing on the nursery
  • Week 23: Registering for all the necessary baby things

Goals: Watch my sugar intake. Only get (decalf) latte’s once or twice a week, you know, instead of every day. Damn you, Salted Vanilla Latte’s at Caribou.

Worries: High blood pressure. Gestational diabetes test in a month.

Dreaming: I’m craving a trip somewhere warm, go figure. It’s about this time every year that I want to get the hell out of the tundra for at least a few days and soak up some sun. Oh well. Next year maybe!